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Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Students,

On behalf of the staff at River View High School, I am extremely excited to welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year! We know that there are many emotions coming into this school year as we have reconfigured our school district into three school buildings. River View High School is now a grade 7-12 building, and we are excited about the opportunities that this is going to give our students, teachers, and other staff members as we move forward.  We are looking forward to getting our students back into the halls of RVHS and look forward to welcoming our new grade levels into our building. We are excited to build relationships with our new students and we look forward to continuing our very productive partnership with you to ensure your son/daughter can achieve at their highest potential. We recognize that this year is going to look different than years past, but we also know that in order to be successful in school, our students need support from both the home and school. We know a strong partnership with you will make a great difference in your child’s education. As partners, we share the responsibility for our students’ success and want you to know that we will do our very best to carry out our responsibilities. 


The administration and teaching staff at RVHS ask that you guide and support your child’s learning by ensuring that:

1.) Your son or daughter attends school daily and arrives on time, ready for the day’s learning experiences.

2.) Your son or daughter completes all homework assignments given by teachers. 

3.) Your son or daughter shares school experiences with you so that you are aware of his/her school life. 

4.) Your son or daughter informs you if he/she needs additional support in any area or subject. 

5.) Your son or daughter knows that you expect him/her to succeed in school and be college or career ready.


The River View Local School District mission statement reads:  River View Local School District will love, serve, and care for our students in a safe, positive environment empowering them to excellence.

In and out of the classroom, we will strive to do our part to ensure that they are given the tools and experiences they need to be successful not only in high school, but in their life after high school as well.  We will continue to work to become the best high school in the state of Ohio.


I am honored to serve as your principal at River View High School. It is a privilege to work with such a great staff that is going to strive to build positive relationships that will promote social and academic growth. Please feel free to contact me anytime with questions or concerns that you have about your son or daughter.  


Please like our Facebook, Instagram, and join our Remind which will allow you to stay updated on the many events taking place in our school. 

Facebook: River View High School

Instagram: rvhsbears

Remind: Text this phone number: 81010

Text this message: @rvhsstud



Joshua Branch, High School Principal


Scott, Chad

This will be my third year as associate principal at River View High School.  I have been an educator for 17 years.  I taught for nine years at the elementary level and six in high school and I have taught in Ohio and Virginia.  I graduated from River View High School in 2000.  I  look forward to building relationships with students, staff, and families.   My goal this year is to make a positive impact on as many people as possible.